4th of July Fireworks Show 2021

Torrance Civic Center
Address: Torrance Civic Center - 3330 Civic Center Dr, Torrance, CA 90503

2021 marks the return of the City of Torrance’s 4th of July Fireworks Show. Limited attendance available at select Civic Center Locations for viewing.  The City asks that you enjoy the fireworks safely, celebrate responsibly, and please follow all Los Angeles County Public Health Orders. As public and private gathering protocols continue to change, please check back for updates or subscribe to TorranceAlerts for the latest information.

When:  Sunday, July 4, 2021

Where: Torrance Civic Center

Time:  9:00 PM

Watch the show live on TorranceCitiCABLE (Spectrum 3, Frontier FiOS 31) Or LiveStream it for free

Viewing locations are:

  • The Toyota Sports Complex – 555 Maple Ave.
  • West parking lot of the LA County Court House – 825 Maple Ave.

Street Closures for July 4th:

8:30 P.M.
Maple Ave. closed between Torrance Blvd. & California St.
Civic Center Dr. closed between Madrona Ave. & Maple Ave.

8:45 P.M.
Madrona Ave. closed between Torrance Blvd. & Civic Center Dr.