Art For Everyone: Simple Keepsake Bookmaking at Destination: Art

Destination: Art
Destination: Art - 1815 W 213th St., #135 Torrance, CA 90501
Calling Everyone Who Thinks They Are NOT Artists!
Come for a morning of creating a fun project followed by lunch and good conversation! We want everyone to experience the joy of making a pleasing arrangement of shapes and colors!
No fee – just RSVP on the website
Click the Art for Everyone Button at the top of the Home page, then sign up for each event you would like to attend with the buttons at the bottom of the Art for Everyone webpage.
Thursday mornings 9am – noon
September 7 – Greeting Card Collage, led by Dianne Joffino
October 5 – Simple Keepsake Bookmaking, led by Robin Johns
November 2 – Suitable for Framing Collage, led by Debbie Abshear
December 7 – Origami Holiday Cards, led by Ruth Karch