We are so proud to present for the 10th year our Associate Members art show highlighting their beautiful artwork. This show features 51 artists with 88 paintings. We invite you to enjoy these beautiful paintings in-person at the gallery or here, online where most paintings can be purchased. This show runs through July 13th.
Contributing Artists: Tricia Alexander, Paul Anderson, Janice Bock, Ruth Borges, Hazel Breen, Solange Brunet, Leslie Chavez, Caroline Cheng, Moira Cohn, Jocelyn Marie Cole, Maria Crean, Judit Dan, Bobette Davison, Ginger Doner, Carol Francis, Carol Anne Fresco, Ghislaine Gargaro, Jan Godachy, Sandra Heffernan, Patricia Hershberg, Parrish Hirasaki, Robin Johns, Bette Jones, Claudia Kazachinsky, Kim Kelly-Ryan, Bonnie Kennan, Robin Kirk, Christian Klump, Shweta Matai, Janet Moser, Eva Muchnick, Jeong Oh, Ronda Olson, Candy Paula, Patty Pickles, Barbara Ramsey-Duke, Sharon Ratterree, Diane Reeves, Irma Reinboth, Julie Robinson, Ann Marie Rode, Ashish Sharma, Beverly Spisak, Richard Stephens, Pamela Sullivan, Carol Sutton, Kaoru Tanimoto, Gayle Taylor, Lori Ward, Cristine Wolf, David Wolfram