Destination: Art Gallery Showing

Destination Art
Address: 1815 W 213th St., #135 Torrance, CA 90501
Phone: 310-742-3192

It is time for our Associate Artists’ Online Show, which this year will be a juried show viewable on our website Gallery from the comfort of your own home, out of respect for health concerns. The show will open on June 8, so you will want to check out on that day. In addition, we will send out the link on that day so you can see all the amazing entries from over 40 of the South Bay’s local artists.

The show will be judged by our Awards Juror, Frank Minuto. Destination: Art is offering over $1000 in cash awards, which will be awarded in two categories of Professional and Non-professional Artist. Everyone is invited to a Zoom reception and awards event with all the artists on June 13.

You are invited to the Zoom Associate Artists Show Reception on Jun 13 4:00 PM Pacific Time   Register in advance for this Zoom Reception:  CLICK HERE. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom Reception.

You will be able to vote for your favorite painting for the Art Lovers’ Choice Award, which will be announced at the end of June.

So register for the June 13th reception now, and visit our online show starting June 8th.