Torrance Art Museum – CO/LAB 2023

Explore TAM’s 2023 exhibit – CO/LAB 2023!

CO/LAB 2023
Los Angeles and The World

An annual international, emerging artists collaborative project. Four artist-run galleries from around the world have been invited to partner with four SoCal artist-run galleries to present 4 collaborative exhibitions.

Featured Spaces: Kalashnikovv Gallery, Johannesburg & Wonzimer, Los Angeles / Fosforita, Madrid & Durden and Ray, Los Angeles / Supermarket, Stockholm & 515, Los Angeles / Space One, Seoul & Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Los Angeles /

Fosforita (Madrid) starts with the intention to be a training, creation and dissemination laboratory for art and culture. The artistic projects are always open to collaborations between neighbours, artists, collectives and the involvement of anyone who wants to build together the collective imaginary.

Durden and Ray (Los Angeles) is committed both to individual praxis and to shared aims of curatorial experimentation, visual research, and artistic exchange with international partners.

FEATURED ARTISTS: Carlos Beltrán (USA/Mexico), Gul Cagin (USA), Lan Duong (USA), Le Frére (Spain), Ben Jackel (USA), Javier Jimeno (Spain), Ty Pownall (USA), Eva Zaragozá (Spain), Irene Zóttola (Spain)

515 (Los Angeles) is an artist-run salon and project space located inside the Bendix Building in downtown Los Angeles.

Supermarket (Stockholm) is dedicated to exhibiting artist-run spaces, artists’ collectives, nomadic spaces and independent artists’ initiatives of all shapes and from around the world. The key aim is to display unique projects, create opportunities for new local and international networks and share the strengths of the independent art world with a large audience.

FEATURED ARTISTS: Joey Holdren (US/NO), Robert Kingston (US), Alice Máselníková (SE/CZ)m Pontus Raud (SE), Andreas Ribbung (SE), HK Zamani (US)

Tiger Strikes Asteroid, (Los Angles) is one of five independently programmed, artist-run exhibition spaces with other locations in Philadelphia, New York, Chicago, and Greenville, SC. The network functions collectively through programming exchanges and the sharing of resources, connections and governing structure. Our goal is to collectively bring people together, expand connections and create community through artist-initiated exhibitions, projects, and curatorial opportunities. We strive to foster relationships between artists from all career stages, lifting up underrepresented work and voices, and offering new contexts for the work of mid-career and established artists. Since the founding of our Philadelphia space in 2009, we have shown about 2,000 artists in 400+ exhibitions and projects.

Space One (Seoul) founded in 2014 as an artist-run exhibition and project space, since 2020 has shifted to a project focused space supporting international, independent and discursive exchanges and collaborations.

FEATURED ARTISTS: Inyoung Kim (South Korea), Jihyung Song (South Korea), Rene C Hayashi (Mexico), Sala de Espera: Talia Pérez Gilbert and Luis Alonso Sánchez (Mexico), Kyoco Taniyama (Japan)

Kalashnikovv Gallery (Johannesburg) was founded in 2013 in direct response to the traditional white cube gallery system by envisioning an alternative operational model for the visual arts. It is administered and curated by two of Johannesburg’s deep-rooted cultural instigators, M.J Turpin and Matthew Dean Dowdle who prioritize a collaborative exchange in working with the artists they partner with.

Wönzimer, is interested in unique voices from all different backgrounds to inspire and question the world we live in today. And it does this through an ever-evolving embrace of the vast creative potential of human beings.

FEATURED ARTISTS: Faith XLVII, Louis Devilliersiv, Ibuki Kuramochi, Natalie Paneng, Joshua AM Ross, Cheyann Washington, Ann Weber