Yorkshire Square Brewery 5th Anniversary Celebration

Yorkshire Square Brewery
Address: Yorkshire Square Brewery - 1109 Van Ness Ave Torrance, CA 90501

Yorkshire Square Brewery will be celebrating their 5th Anniversary on Saturday, May 7th!

The festivities begin at noon. Besides their usual cask and draft beers, they’ll have a guest cask ale and a guest cider.  They’ll also break out a couple of their aged big beers for the occasion!  The day also includes . . .

  • Reintroducing Hot Nips (Michelada) to their cocktail program
  • “Beer With The Brewer” – featuring beer tasting from the tanks and chatting with Yorkshire’s head brewer
  • The usual food menu will be enhanced with the addition of chicken tacos
  • At least, two bands will be playing – timing still TBD